Purple Workshop Seminar Business Poster (3) (Medium)

Workshop on "Mastering the Art of Qualitative Data Analysis"

    • Date: 9th August 2023

    • Time: 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

    • Venue: Seminar Hall, Faculty of Art, University of Jaffna

The Philosophical Society of the Department of Philosophy organized a highly enriching workshop titled “Mastering the Art of Qualitative Data Analysis” on the 9th of August 2023. The workshop aimed to equip students with essential skills and techniques to effectively analyze qualitative data, catering specifically to students pursuing studies in Philosophy and Psychology.

The resource person for the workshop, Mr. R. Thanushan, brought a wealth of experience in qualitative data analysis to the event. His extensive background and successful execution of numerous research projects using qualitative methodologies added a layer of practicality and depth to the workshop’s content. The coordination of the event was overseen by Mr. S. Nirosan.

Workshop Objectives:

The workshop was designed with the following key objectives in mind:

  1. Fundamentals of Qualitative Data Analysis: Participants gained a comprehensive understanding of the foundational principles of qualitative data analysis, setting the stage for deeper learning.
  2. Qualitative Research Methods: Various qualitative research methods were explored, emphasizing their applications in both Philosophy and Psychology. This allowed students to appreciate the diversity of qualitative approaches available to them.
  3. Effective Data Collection and Theme Identification: Practical techniques for gathering qualitative data and identifying themes were discussed. These insights were intended to enhance student’s ability to extract meaningful insights from their research.
  4. Real-World Research Scenarios and Challenges: Engaging in discussions on real-world research scenarios and the challenges inherent in qualitative analysis provided participants with a more realistic perspective on conducting qualitative research.
  5. Interpretation and Presentation of Findings: Practical skills were developed to interpret and present qualitative research findings in a clear and compelling manner. This was seen as crucial to communicating the outcomes of qualitative research effectively.

Workshop Execution:

The seminar hall at the Faculty of Art, University of Jaffna, was abuzz with enthusiasm as students from both Philosophy and Psychology gathered for the workshop. Mr. R. Thanushan’s insightful presentations and interactive teaching style immediately captured the participants’ attention. The use of case studies and practical examples added a practical dimension to the theoretical concepts discussed.

The workshop fostered a dynamic learning environment, encouraging active participation and vibrant discussions. Participants eagerly shared their own perspectives and experiences related to qualitative research, leading to a rich exchange of ideas.

Outcomes and Impact:

The “Mastering the Art of Qualitative Data Analysis” workshop was met with resounding success, achieving its intended outcomes. Participants expressed their satisfaction with the depth of knowledge shared and the practical insights gained. The workshop’s interactive nature allowed attendees to grasp complex concepts more effectively and gave them the confidence to embark on their own qualitative research journeys.

The event not only imparted valuable skills but also fostered a sense of community among the students. Networking opportunities and discussions sparked new collaborations and research ideas, further enhancing the impact of the workshop.


The success of the workshop underscored its importance in equipping students with the skills necessary for conducting rigorous qualitative research. The Philosophical Society’s commitment to enhancing students’ academic and research capabilities was evident through the thoughtful organization of this event. As participants left the seminar hall with newfound knowledge and inspiration, it was clear that the workshop had made a lasting impression and would undoubtedly contribute to the continued growth of qualitative research in the fields of Philosophy and Psychology at the University of Jaffna.