Awareness Session on “Women's Health Issues”

The Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, University of Jaffna is pleased to present a report on the successful completion of the awareness session on “Women’s Health Issues” organized by the Career Guidance Unit and the Philosophical Society of the Department of Philosophy, in collaboration with Otthulaippu (UK). The event was held on 16th August 2023 at 1:00 p.m. in the Seminar Hall of the Faculty of Arts, University of Jaffna.

Event Overview

The awareness session aimed to address and discuss crucial women’s health issues, fostering knowledge and awareness among the university community. The event featured Doctor Ovia Nagulendram MBBS (UK), a distinguished alumnus of King’s College London and a Senior House Officer in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at St. Richard’s Hospital in Chichester, as the esteemed resource person.

Session Highlights

The session commenced with a warm welcome and introduction of the resource person, Doctor Ovia Nagulendram. Her expertise in the field of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, coupled with her extensive experience, immediately captured the audience’s attention. She delved into various topics, providing insightful information and practical advice on women’s health issues. The session included discussions on the following key topics:

  1. Vaginal Discharge: Dr. Ovia Nagulendram emphasized the importance of understanding normal and abnormal vaginal discharge, and she provided guidance on recognizing potential health concerns and seeking appropriate medical advice.
  2. Periods: A comprehensive overview of menstrual health was presented, addressing common concerns and misconceptions. Dr. Ovia Nagulendram encouraged an open dialogue about periods, fostering a more supportive environment for women’s health.
  3. Contraception: The audience gained valuable insights into different contraception methods, their benefits, and potential side effects. Dr. Ovia Nagulendram stressed the significance of informed choices in family planning.
  4. Sexually Transmitted Diseases: A sensitive yet crucial topic, the session shed light on various sexually transmitted diseases, their prevention, and the importance of regular screenings for early detection.
  5. Abortion: Dr. Ovia Nagulendram provided a balanced and informative discussion about abortion, focusing on both medical and ethical considerations. The audience engaged in thoughtful conversations about this complex issue.

Engagement and Interaction

The session was highly interactive, with students and staff of the Department of Philosophy actively participating by asking insightful questions and sharing personal experiences. Dr. Ovia Nagulendram’s engaging presentation style and approachable demeanor created a conducive atmosphere for open discussions.

Impact and Feedback

Feedback from the attendees indicated a high level of satisfaction with the session. Participants expressed appreciation for the clarity and relevance of the information shared. Many stated that they felt more empowered and informed about women’s health issues, and they lauded the event’s role in fostering awareness and destigmatization.


The “Women’s Health Issues” awareness session proved to be a resounding success, aligning perfectly with our university’s commitment to holistic education and addressing pertinent societal concerns. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Ovia Nagulendram for her invaluable contribution and expertise.